🔥🔥Bitcoin digital currency🔥🔥

According to the bull-bear stage, it is currently in the middle of the bull market. According to the past, there were three years of bear market and one year of bull market. In the one-year bull market, the first eight months were basically a slow wash-out decline. The next two months were a rush, and the last two months were a peak. This is just a point of view I came up with based on historical past. At the beginning of the month, I dared to make a prediction about the future trend.

It is expected that the price of Bitcoin will fall to around 60,000 in early or mid-July, while ETH may reach 3,100. Subsequently, the market will fall into a slow downward trend. However, in late July, when the price of Bitcoin is close to the 55,000 mark, a crazy bull market will sweep in. This bull market is expected to last for one and a half months, pushing the price of BTC to around 73,000 to 81,000, and then the increase will gradually slow down. Driven by this wave of bull market, various sectors will also rise one after another, and the market enthusiasm is high.

This prosperity is expected to continue until 2025, when the BTC price is expected to reach a new high near 90,000. Of course, this is just my prediction, and the persimmon market is always full of uncertainty and variables. However, for those investors who dare to take risks and are good at seizing opportunities, this is undoubtedly an era full of opportunities

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