The current liquidity of the market is very small,

which leads to a continuous decline after the rebound.

The more this happens, the more cautious you should be in buying the bottom!

However, although ENS mentioned the day before yesterday is considered by many people to still have the potential to rise, few people realize that the high position has attracted a lot of purple gold to flow in. Under such circumstances, it is undoubtedly more difficult to make easy profits from it.

This is precisely the main reason why we reminded everyone to pay attention to the dynamics of ENS the day before yesterday. As for whether you should participate in ENS transactions, the current situation shows that it may bring a small profit, but the decision should be made with caution.

Among the several projects we are currently observing, including WLD, SUI, LISTA and ZRO, each has its own unique trading strategy. Especially WLD, the market performance is difficult to be optimistic, and tends to adopt a more conservative short strategy.

For LISTA, due to its limited decline in the short term and low market value, it is more suitable to capture the rebound opportunity for short operations. Whether these new coins will experience a sharp decline as mentioned before depends largely on whether the project party has active actions or good news released in the near future.

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