After making a lot of money in the digital currency market,

Many people worry about whether they will be asked about the source of funds when withdrawing money to the bank.

In fact, when the amount reaches a certain level, the bank will usually ask questions. I have experienced this process three times. At first, I traded on a platform like BitChina, and the price of Bitcoin was only 2,500 yuan at that time. Since I was engaged in e-commerce business at the time, I had some cash on hand, so I invested in it. Later, the price of Bitcoin soared all the way to more than 7,000 yuan, and I chose to withdraw money.

When I withdrew money for the first time, the bank made a detailed inquiry, from how many acres of land and cows there were at home to personal information and sources of funds. In the end, the bank staff even sold me financial products. Although the experience at that time was a bit ridiculous, it also reflects that the bank's review of the source of funds is relatively strict.

In order to avoid the freezing of funds, I took a lot of precautions. Fortunately, I have only encountered a situation where funds were frozen once in recent years, and everything returned to normal after going to the bank counter to unfreeze. I found that as long as it does not involve certain sensitive currencies (such as USDT), generally there will be no big problems.

In terms of fund handling, I suggest exchanging digital currency for US dollars and then directly remitting to a foreign currency account. In this way, the funds are separated from China's financial system, and the domestic and foreign financial systems are isolated from each other, which can reduce a lot of trouble. In addition, the US dollar can bring additional benefits during the appreciation cycle. I have made large transfers of US dollars many times and never encountered any problems. Moreover, doing so can also facilitate consumption overseas.

Another noteworthy trick is that the accounts of foreign trade companies can bypass the restrictions of foreign exchange control. Therefore, acquiring a mature foreign trade company can make cryptocurrency speculation more convenient and even realize the transfer of cross-border funds.

Finally, if you encounter problems during the operation, please leave a message in the comment area and I will try my best to answer it. If you find my sharing helpful, please like it to encourage it. Since the private message answer may not be detailed enough, I plan to make a tutorial in the future when I am free to teach you how to operate in detail.#ASI代币合并计划 #币安合约锦标赛 #MiCA