8 things to remember in social situations:

1. Pretend not to know about things that you haven’t been informed of.

2. Don’t offer to help someone who hasn’t asked you for help.

3. Don’t be too close to people who are competitors, such as colleagues or peers.

4. When giving gifts, consider the reasons why the other party may accept.

5. When drinking, start pretending to be drunk when you are 70% drunk, so that people will mistakenly think that you have a poor alcohol tolerance.

6. When buying cheap things, you can choose a store of acquaintances to enhance the relationship; when buying expensive things, you can choose a store of strangers, so that there is more room for bargaining.

7. A person’s attitude towards the waiter reflects his possible attitude towards you after marriage.

8. Beautiful girls should choose simple clothes at parties to highlight their inner charm.

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