Signs of market peaking

Previously, I published an article predicting that the peak of this wave of Bitcoin bull market will be in the second half of 25 years. This article is pinned on my homepage. Those who are interested can take a look. Today, let’s talk about the signs of the bull market peaking.

1. USDT’s market value ranking continues to decline, and it may fall out of the top ten during the bull market.

2. The number of Google searches for Bitcoin has reached a huge amount, which is several times the number of searches in the past.

3. Various wealth myths appear every day, and new users are pouring in. Even the gatekeepers in the community are talking about Bitcoin.

4. Various big Vs began to show their transaction records, saying that they were prophetic, but during the bull market, fools could make money.

5. More than 90% of people are extremely bullish, and those who are bearish are slapped in the face.

6. Bitcoin has obviously accelerated its rise, rising by more than 100% in two or three months.

7. New coins emerge in an endless stream, and the proliferation of projects has reached a peak.

8. The market is frenzied, and there are various events such as policies and thefts. The market was also strong for a time.

9. The increasing assets in your account will make your adrenaline soar. If you are bearish, you will be scolded. Everyone has only rush, rush, rush in their mind.

10. Bitcoin reaches 100,000-200,000 US dollars. Various institutions and celebrities shout that they will hit 1 million US dollars. Various good news continue to drive the market frenzy.

When these signs appear, you can download Dongchedi to buy a car you like, and download Anjuke to buy a house for yourself or your family.

My holdings BTC:ETH:BNB=4:4:2

Hold BTC, ETH, BNB, let time accompany us to slowly become rich.

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