🫧 You should know this! The Dot-Com Bubble: The True Story of the Stock Market 1995-2000.

The Internet has changed everything but the basic math of stock valuation. However, not everyone understood this in the second half of the 1990s, when stocks (especially technology companies) rose in price at an astonishing rate, forming a bubble that would eventually burst dramatically.

The dotcom bubble in the stock market during the bull trend, from 1995 to 2000, was fueled by highly speculative investments in Internet businesses. The Nasdaq index increased fivefold during that period. That began to change in the late 2000s, when investors realized that the business models of many of these companies were unsustainable, leading to a two-year bear trend.

As a result, the Nasdaq fell 76.81% from a peak of 5,048.62 on March 10, 2000 to 1,139.90 on October 4, 2002, sending most dot-com stocks crashing and trillions of dollars of investment capital disappearing. It would eventually take the Nasdaq 15 years to regain its April 24, 2015 peak.

🔴 If you're reading this, know: it's quite possible that this is the last bull market in $BTC and altcoins 🔴