I think it is similar to 2021 now.

Pepe is like Shib, Bonk is like Babydoge, Sol is similar to BSC, Eth also has favorable expectations,

Bitcoin is still half dead. I think the market will rise this month, and some institutions may be hit or a Dogecoin dealer may be sacrificed, and the mainstream currency bull market will come.

But some people say: "This year may be a big scam, the halving market is overdrawn, and next year's bear market, Bitcoin will fall to 4.2. It's not surprising. The institutions are a group, not allowing retail investors to make money, and the dealers are happy to sell!"

Others say: "This year may be a bear market crash, and there will be an increase after the interest rate cut, but the market value of new coins is not good. Those with more than 500 million will fall 5 times, and those with more than 2 billion will fall more than ten times. I lost money in new coins. Refer to the conclusions drawn in previous years. Wait for time to verify whether it is right or wrong."

There are many people who are bearish now, and it seems that there is no chance in the currency circle. But the cryptocurrency market is affected by many factors, and the price fluctuation of Bitcoin is the result of many factors.

I have witnessed the prosperity of the cryptocurrency circle. The bull market will not end. Believe it or not! Start planning! Follow my real-time information!

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