In 2014, I just entered college life and came into contact with Bitcoin by chance. Under the strong advocacy of my friends, I used my living expenses to buy several thousand yuan of Dogecoin in advance. In less than a day, I lost several hundred yuan. I stopped the loss and exited. Then I contacted 3M, Internet Gold and other capital disks with my friends. After the first investment of 50,000 yuan and the profit of 70,000 yuan, I thought I had found a shortcut to the Internet. After thinking again and again, I decided to start from another direction with my friends, that is, the earliest acceptor, and I "honorably" became an OTC. The business I was responsible for was to help the aunts exchange points and Bitcoin. Since many aunts can't even operate their mobile phones, we have a way to make money with information gap! 20% off to buy and exchange Bitcoin! I felt like I was going to get rich! Then I took 1.2 million yuan from my family and took out 500,000 yuan from my credit card. I started a crazy way to make money! During this period, the price of Bitcoin basically fluctuated around a few thousand yuan! At the peak, we had 2,000 Bitcoins in our account. Whether it was then or now, I can't have this amount anymore.

From 2015 to 2017, various funds were rampant. As a practitioner, I was also deeply cut by a wave of leeks. The first pot of gold that I accumulated was washed clean on an ICO project. I clearly remember that the Rolls-Royce parked by the project owner when I got off the plane was so dazzling! I clearly remember that the presidential suite of the five-star hotel that the project owner invited me to stay in was so luxurious! I clearly remember that the project owner was so shocked when he opened the wallet with tens of thousands of ETH and thousands of BTC! I clearly remember how brilliant his smile was when the project owner accepted my lovely ETH!

A month later, the project owner ran away. I was ripped off! With the price of the cryptocurrency market being trampled by the 94 incident, I lost confidence in the cryptocurrency market.

At the end of 2018, after the success of my real business, I accumulated some capital and began to systematically learn trading and the underlying logic of blockchain. This time, I became a glorious "trader". I felt like a genius! I was invincible! I was invincible! Soon, the funds accumulated to several million. I started to provide asset management services. Throughout 2019, I was immersed in the joy of making money. Money was like air, I could get it at my fingertips with just a breath.

The storm always comes with a calm night. On March 11, 2020, I was still basking in the sun and drinking cold beer on the beach in Phuket during the day. At night, a storm came!!! The biggest black angel event in the history of the cryptocurrency circle, March 12! It's here!!!

To know what happens next, please stay tuned for the next episode!