Odaily Planet Daily News: Polkadot community and node Oneblock+ published a statement saying that it recently applied for two Polkadot hackathon proposals in the Asia-Pacific region in 2024 on OpenGov, hoping to bring Polkadot hackathons to Singapore and Bangkok in the second half of 2024, and the funds will be allocated for hosting, prizes and organizing Polkadot hackathons in Singapore and Bangkok in 2024. Oneblock+ claims that its costs are transparent: 30% for operating expenses and 70% as rewards for the winning team. However, its proposal was opposed by many node representatives and DOT big players on the grounds that the bonuses they set for the winning development team were too high. The fact is that Oneblock+'s proposal fee is lower than that of other hackathon organizers, and the high bonus is to attract more developers to join the Polkadot ecosystem and continue to develop, rather than wasting money on event organization. As the only Polkadot DV representative in China, Oneblock+ does not accept the rejection of proposals on the grounds of "giving developers too high rewards." Hackathons like Solana and Ton have offered prizes of over $500,000.