Some people say that if you don't lose money in such a market, Satoshi Nakamoto will be resurrected. . . .

Don't think about 100 times the coin all day long. If you can get 10 times, your ancestors' graves have already appeared. . .

Indeed, in this market, even Buffett has to leave 200 yuan before leaving.

If you want to get out of the coin circle unscathed, you must go through a process of constant knowledge seeking and getting more and more courageous.

Coin circle nursery: I want to earn 10 million yuan, I want to buy 100 times coins, I want to get rich, don't talk to me about technology, information, cognition, I don't want to listen, I just want to get rich.

Coin circle kindergarten: I want to make 10,000+ a day, I just want to make a lot of money, don't talk to me about other things! I entered the coin circle just to make money.

Coin circle elementary school: I don't ask for much, it's not too much to make 1,000+ a day, don't tell me about other things, my requirements are already very low, what else do you want?

Coin Circle Junior High School: It’s enough for me not to lose money. I mainly supplement my family income. After all, I am still running food delivery. Don’t tell me too much about other things. I am already very hard and have no time to study.

Coin Circle Senior High School: I play the coin circle purely for financial management, hobbies, as long as I don’t lose money, it doesn’t matter whether I make money or not.

Coin Circle University: I still want to learn some basic knowledge, I want to understand what blockchain is, what is virtual currency? What is digital currency?

Finally, if you are a pure novice, you are excited to rush into the coin circle when you see BTC hit a record high before, then I suggest you pay attention to me first, learn the knowledge of the coin circle with me, and make up for your basic skills. Only by laying a solid foundation can you go further.

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