I have tested it myself. With a capital of 500u, I will teach you how to quickly earn 200,000u in one year. If you can't make it, come and cut me.


Type 1: News. News is the best way to do it, because the market fluctuates greatly when the news comes out, such as Wei Bo's speech at 9:30 tonight.

Type 2: Explore new tracks, such as RWA, in staking

Type 3: Meme coin sector

Type 4: Layout on dips. You know how to layout on dips?

You can try to build a position on the left:

First, carefully select potential currencies. Through in-depth research on market trends, project technology, and community popularity, find out those currencies that are underestimated but have a promising future, just like digging for treasures that have not been fully discovered. For example, stx

Next, plan a position building strategy. Divide the principal into several parts, such as a principal of 10,000 U, which can be divided into 5 parts, each with 1,000 U, or unequal distribution based on market predictions.

Then, start the position building operation. When the price of a certain currency drops to a range that is considered to have investment value for the first time, invest the first sum of money. For example, if a certain currency drops from 10 U to 8 U, you think the timing is good, so you put in 1,000 U first.

As the price continues to fall, gradually increase the position according to the established strategy. If it drops to 7 U, add 1500 U; if it drops to 6 U, add another 1500 U.

During the entire position building process, pay close attention to the dynamics of the currency circle, news from the project party, and the market trend, and constantly review your investment decisions. If you find that the initial judgment is wrong, or the market encounters a major negative, you must quickly adjust the pace of position building, or even suspend operations.

For example, if you are optimistic about a new currency and it starts to fall from 2 U, you plan to buy 1,000 U at 1.8 U, 1500 U at 1.6 U, 1500 U at 1.4 U, 1000 U at 1.2 U, and 1000 U at 1 U. After each purchase, respond flexibly according to market changes.

The bull market is still there. If you don’t know how to layout, you can find me through the pinned article. I am willing to share my experience and strategy with you, just to get rich together with like-minded people!!