Don't guess about the bull market in 2024!

From last year to now, people always ask when the bull market will start, but it keeps falling!

In April, people said it was bullish, in July, they said it was bullish, they said it was bullish even when the stamp duty was reduced, and they said it was bullish even when the US interest rate was reduced, but they all slapped their faces!

The bottom is halfway up the mountain, there is also a basement, and even the eighteenth level of hell! Know the situation and yourself, and come here to change your life.

When to buy, when to sell, what to buy, what is the strategy, and how to do risk control? You need it, I have it, don't hesitate, pay attention!

#非农就业数据即将公布 #币安合约锦标赛 #ASI代币合并计划 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低 $BTC