🎉Good news! According to Simon Bonanno, BI Director of the Algorand Foundation, on the X platform, the Algorand chain has a strong momentum and is showing exponential growth. 🚀

📈In June, the Algorand chain completed more than 240 million transactions, which is a record high. This data shows us the strong potential and broad prospects of the Algorand chain. 🎯

😎Although we remain neutral on the market, our optimism about Bitcoin remains unchanged. We believe that with the continuous development and improvement of blockchain technology, the prospects of Bitcoin will be brighter. 💪

🔍We will continue to pay attention to the global regulatory dynamics of blockchain, industry trends, and cryptocurrency news to bring you the latest and most accurate information. 🌐

Please continue to pay attention to our updates, let us witness the development and changes of blockchain together! 🎊