Odaily Planet Daily News Gitcoin released the Gitcoin Grants 2024 Strategy and Update, which pointed out that due to time constraints, only three rounds of GG competitions will be held in 2024: 1. GG20: April 23-May 7 (completed) -OSS program (4 rounds) $1 million matching fund pool -5+ rounds of community activities 2. GG21: August 7-21 (no OSS round) -Ecosystem 'focus' round, which will now have the opportunity to share the stage with the community round. -10 rounds of community activities -The first 5 community rounds have a matching fund of $125,000 3. GG22: End of October (specific dates will be announced in the next few weeks) -OSS program (4 rounds) $1 million matching fund pool -8 rounds of community activities -The first 5 community rounds have a matching fund of $125,000.