1. Changes in rules

Most people started to get involved in the cryptocurrency market after 2015, especially those who really participated in the bull market began in 2017. People summarized some rules based on the experience of the first two bull markets and invested accordingly. However, once the market behavior is different from before, many people will feel overwhelmed and fall into the quagmire of comfort zone thinking. If the market changes beyond their expectations, the final result can only be losses or missed opportunities.

  1. The transformation of the banker

Why do market rules change? The main reason is the change of bankers. This round of bull market has attracted a lot of formal funds into the market. Although the bull market has not yet arrived, large funds have already begun to deploy. Retail investors see these funds flowing in and mistakenly believe that the bull market is coming, but in fact, only mainstream cryptocurrencies and popular "meme coins" are rising, while other value-based currencies are still in place. Today's bankers are playing more advanced games, making it difficult for retail investors to grasp and deal with them.

  1. Retail investors remain unchanged

Retail investors are still immature and can easily cling to past thinking patterns. Many retail investors still follow the same old rhythm. However, the market rhythm has changed and retail investors may not be able to adapt. In the past, everyone studied value-based cryptocurrencies, but in this bull market, people began to chase "meme coins" and some projects with insufficient substance, causing retail investors who chased the rise to eventually suffer losses because the prices of these projects fell without a bottom line.

After this round of bull market, the possibility of making a lot of money in the cryptocurrency market has become extremely small. Market fluctuations are no longer as violent as in the past, and even if there are fluctuations, it is difficult for retail investors to seize opportunities. Retail investors are more likely to take orders at the top of the market, and the speed of this wave of Bitcoin top shipments is very slow, which is obviously to give retail investors enough time to take orders. The pace of the market is expected to be slower in the future.

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