
ASTR maintains a bullish trend on the daily chart, and investors can further look for a clear signal of buying long orders on the 4-hour level - the yellow dot. #MiCA

Today, if ASTR can stand firmly above 0.07237 on the 4-hour level, and then the yellow dot signal appears and stabilizes, it means that the conditions for long orders to enter the market are ripe. #币安合约锦标赛

It is expected that the pressure level to be encountered on the upward movement will be between 0.07508 and 0.07796.

However, if ASTR fails to successfully stand on the price of 0.07237, it is necessary to consider the possible change in market direction, #ASI代币合并计划

At this time, the focus should be turned to the 1-hour level, looking for the short entry opportunity indicated by the purple dot, and paying close attention to the support strength of the area below 0.07011 to 0.06801. #ASTR.24小时交易策略 $AST $BTC $ETH