#YGG $YGG Today's market in-depth analysis:

The current market is changing rapidly, and the 1-hour level has already lit up a yellow warning signal, while the 2/4-hour level is steadily in the bull camp. Today, we focus on the price fluctuations around 0.5806, which may lead the new trend of the market.

In the downward trend, we carefully laid out three layers of support lines, which are 0.5699, 0.5559 and 0.5385 respectively. These key prices are like lighthouses, guiding us to judge the depth of the callback and the turning point of the trend. The follow-up communication of the cottage points that need to be analyzed 𡝗Search 👉 Public/Account: Encrypted Riding the Wind

On the other hand, if the market ushers in a strong rebound, the targets we set will shine in turn: 0.5980 for the first time, 0.6161 for the next step, and finally locked in the 0.6375 high ground. These three price levels are important milestones on the rebound road, and it is worth our close tracking of their breakthrough trajectory.

Strictly abide by trading discipline, avoid blindly placing orders, and respond to the ever-changing risks of the market with a steady attitude.

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