Is the bull gone? When will it be time for retail investors to eat meat?

In this bull market that looks like nothing, it is easier to describe it as a "sheep market". In recent weeks, the crypto market and the A-share market have entered the so-called "technical sheep market". The simple meaning is that the direction of the market is unclear, neither a bull market nor a bear market. Compared with the ups and downs of the monkey market, this round of market performance is a bit slow and sheep-like. Investors are more on the sidelines, waiting for the market to come out.

Many big Vs say that this round of bull market may not be good for small currencies, and there will no longer be a cottage season like before.

Indeed, with the passage of ETFs and the entry of traditional capital, this wave of bull market may present a different situation from before.

In the past, because of the small size of the currency circle, almost all retail investors were playing, and big capital basically looked down on it. And this round of bull market, with the increase of institutional investors, especially the influx of traditional financial capital represented by BlackRock, will greatly increase the difficulty for retail investors to make money.

In a market where cottage coins are rampant, don't just look at the dollar value of the project. Comparing the valuation of altcoins with that of Bitcoin can more accurately assess the strength of altcoins.

See here for more bull market layout strategies

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