This round of bull market is more difficult to endure than the bear market. The market of mainstream coins in the past two months is exactly the same as that of the same period last year. Various news are flying all over the sky. Rumors such as ETF and Mentougou government selling coins are hyped by market makers.

Sometimes it is said to be passed, and sometimes it is said not to be passed. It is neither believeable nor unbelievable. Once a breakthrough is made, people will be trapped. If you don’t believe it, you may be slapped in the face. All breakthroughs are like false breakthroughs, with frequent fluctuations, and one or two points of principal will be lost each time. After three months of tossing like this, those who don’t control their positions well may be almost worn out.

If you choose not to gamble, when the real breakthrough comes, there is often no chance to get on the train, and the gains may be pulled up in just twenty minutes. Those who didn’t get on the train before found it more difficult to recover after the loss. And those who persist until the real breakthrough comes often find that the remaining principal can only be barely recovered after a surge.

People with big patterns ride the roller coaster to watch people with small patterns make money, while people with small patterns often feel hungry and full. They seem to have made some money, but in fact most of the money was given to the exchange. When the market that can really make money comes, you can often only earn enough to eat and leave. After this state lasts for a few months, your mentality will also collapse.

In this round of bull market, institutions seem to be withdrawing funds quickly and fleeing. Without sector rotation and general rise, all the pull-ups are just to attract you to get on board and then harvest in a short period of time. Value coins performed poorly, and only certain specific plates have been rising. In the exchange, they play with you by looking at your underwear, first raising the price so that you dare not get on the bus, and when you finally figure it out and dare to get on board, you find that you have become a receiver.

Venture capital also knows that it is not easy to make money in this market, so it no longer pretends. They directly offer sky-high FDV, knowing that there will always be someone to take over the market and rebound. Once you take over the market, you have to face hundreds of millions of U VC unlocking and smashing the market every month. The market itself does not have much money, and there are new VC coins sucking blood every week. New leeks without money-making effects will not come to take over for you, forming a complete vicious circle.

In such an environment, both small and large funds are bound to lose money. After losing money during the day, the cryptocurrency world continues to lose money at night. It has become a flesh toilet for Wall Street.It is becoming increasingly difficult to make money in this industry