According to TechFlow, the ZKBase mainnet was officially launched on July 1, 2024, which is an important step in the era of Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). ZKBase, as an ETH Layer-2 blockchain based on ZKEVM, introduces new levels of scalability and efficiency to the blockchain ecosystem.

Since its establishment during the DeFi Summer of 2020, the ZKBase team has been committed to the Layer-2 expansion track. They have developed a powerful platform using ZK-Rollups technology to solve the problems of high gas fees and slow transaction times on the Ethereum mainnet.

The ZKBase mainnet utilizes the ZK-Rollups solution based on the zero-knowledge proof algorithm to enhance transaction processing and system performance. This technology reduces gas costs and improves security by continuously submitting transaction data to the Layer-1 mainnet for confirmation.

With the launch of the mainnet, ZKBase aims to support a wide range of Dapps, including DEXs, lending platforms, NFTs, and GameFi applications. The team is also working on building a decentralized computing power market, ZKMarket, to match idle computing resources and demand.