Author: Mlixy


The global expansion of cryptocurrency continues slowly but steadily as Bitcoin ATMs are installed around the world.

The number of cryptocurrency ATMs installed worldwide surged 17.8% to 38,279 over the past 12 months, approaching the previous record of 39,541 set in December 2022.

More and more of these revolutionary machines are emerging, making the king of cryptocurrencies more accessible than ever before. Here’s an overview of current trends and future prospects.

Bitcoin ATM installations surge

It can be said that Bitcoin ATMs help to expand the reach of blockchain technology. By facilitating the purchase of Bitcoin, especially during bull markets, these ATMs help educate and familiarize new generations with the benefits of cryptocurrencies.

According to Coin ATM Radar, Bitcoin ATM installations have seen significant growth in recent months. 2,564 new machines deployed in 2024.

The impressive number of 38,279 active ATMs is close to the previous record of 39,541 ATMs set in December 2022.

Leaders of this revolution, such as Bitcoin Depot , Coin flip , Coin Cloud , and Athena Bitcoin , dominate the market with 7,543, 5,057, and 2,756 machines, respectively.

The following figures illustrate this dynamic:

1. 82% of ATMs are located in the United States.

2. Canada follows closely behind with a proportion of 7.7%.

3. In booming Australia, the number of machines has reached 1,107, a 17-fold increase in two years.

4. Europe has 1,584 ATMs, but may soon be surpassed by Australia.

These Bitcoin ATMs offer a safe and fast alternative to traditional methods of purchasing cryptocurrencies. Gone are the complicated procedures and endless verifications. With Bitcoin ATMs, users can do everything in just a few clicks.

It can also be said that the ease of use and accessibility of these machines is key to their growing success.

Bitcoin: The Leading Cryptocurrency in the Monetary Transformation

The leading cryptocurrency Bitcoin remains the most traded cryptocurrency through these ATMs.

Other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum and Litecoin are not far behind, but they are not as popular as Bitcoin.

This trend is seen around the world, from Spain (313 machines) to Poland (279), and also in smaller but active countries such as El Salvador (215) and Hong Kong (169).

Furthermore, the global impact of Bitcoin is also evident:

1. Of the 193 countries recognized by the United Nations, 72 have at least one cryptocurrency ATM.

2. Net monthly growth since July 2023 indicates growing and sustained adoption.

3. Every new Bitcoin ATM installed strengthens the presence of Bitcoin in our daily lives, making it more and more familiar and accepted by the public.

The rapid growth in the number of Bitcoin ATM installations around the world suggests that cryptocurrencies will soon achieve unprecedented accessibility.