Metamask is sued by the SEC. Where will Web3 go?

Just as everyone was still paying attention to the final statement of the SEC (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission) on the ETH ETF, the SEC suddenly took the initiative and filed a formal lawsuit against Consensys, a blockchain technology company and the parent company of Metamask, on June 29, accusing MetaMask's Swap and pledge products of suspected violations of securities laws, and named Lido and Rocket Pool's liquidity pledge tokens stETH and rETH as unregistered "securities".

As soon as the news came out, it caused an uproar in the industry. According to the TrendX sentiment index data, the sentiment indicators of Lido and Metamask fell sharply. Among them, Lido fell by 30, from 21 to a minimum of -9; Metamask fell by more than 100, from the original 33 to the ground-breaking -69, and the sentiment side also changed from relatively positive to very negative.

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