
FET: In the day level, we can turn to the 4-hour level chart to find a short buy signal, that is, the purple dot.

Note: At the position near 1.3852, if the price fails to break through this point, you should wait patiently for the next purple dot to appear and confirm the signal, and then prepare to short. #FETUSD #FET/USDT

The support level is near the two intervals of 1.3332 to 1.2647.

If the price breaks through the long-short boundary of the 4-hour level after a pullback, #FET!

It is recommended to turn to the 1-hour level chart to wait for a long buy signal, that is, a yellow dot.

The pressure level is set near the two intervals of 1.4452 to 1.4936. #MiCA $BTC $ETH $FET