Yesterday's market review and today's market outlook:

Yesterday, large cryptocurrencies as a whole experienced a correction and consolidation, which was in line with the expected trend. The macroeconomic environment and fundamentals are still affected by double negative factors, and the market environment has not yet fully recovered, so it is not advisable to be blindly optimistic. Yesterday's daily closing showed a long upper shadow, which is not an optimistic signal and requires further patience.

In comparison, the trend of secondary cryptocurrencies is relatively healthier, especially the performance of ETH. Although the impact of the macro environment is still there, the recent performance of the ETH chain ecosystem is extremely sluggish, and the chain GAS has fallen to a historical low. The overall situation is still not optimistic. We need to wait for the key position to stabilize and break through. Once these conditions are met, the subsequent market may improve. The altcoin sector follows the mainstream market to pull back synchronously, and it is necessary to wait for the key position of the mainstream currency to stabilize before considering following up.

Today's internal market analysis shows that BTC has returned to normal levels at the 1-hour and 4-hour levels, and the daily level also shows signs of health. Despite this, the macroeconomic impact still exists, the market has not completely reversed, and the fundamental negative factors still exist. We need to wait for the key position to stabilize before considering whether to follow up. Today, BTC's upper resistance is $63,500-64,000, and the lower support is $61,700-62,000. Focus on the stability of the support level. There is a high possibility of continued correction, and we need to wait for a deterministic signal.

ETH has also returned to normal levels at the 1-hour and 4-hour levels, and the daily level shows signs of health. However, the macro impact still exists, the on-chain ecology is still sluggish, and there is no clear reversal signal. Today, ETH's upper resistance is $3,500-3,520, and the lower support is $3,350-3,400. We also need to pay attention to the stability of the support level. There is a high possibility of continued correction, and we need to wait for the appearance of a deterministic signal.

#以太坊ETF批准预期 #BTC走势预测 #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥

Again, at this stage, we are all laying out some good currencies

Those who believe, are interested, and want to witness the strength

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