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Are Germany and the United States going to team up to dump the market again? ?

The United States and Germany transfer more than $100 million in Bitcoin,

A few days ago, the German government sold off, apparently causing the price of Bitcoin to fall, and the United States was also moving Bitcoin.

This morning's activity marks the latest move by the German government in cryptocurrency, which has made a series of token transfers in the past few weeks. The German government is one of the world's largest national holders of cryptocurrency, with about $2.8 billion worth of BTC seized.  

Last month, Germany began to liquidate these reserves, selling more than $195 million worth of BTC in less than 24 hours. In a short period of time, the selling pressure caused the price of BTC to fall by about 3.5%.

On Monday morning, wallets known to be associated with the German government transferred about $94.94 million worth of BTC to multiple destinations.

In total, 1,500 BTC were transferred. Many tokens are scattered among accounts on major cryptocurrency exchanges: 200 BTC were transferred to a Bitstamp account, 100 BTC were transferred to a C account, and another 100 BTC were sent to a Kraken wallet.  

The remaining 1,100 BTC were split between two unknown wallets - one wallet sent 500 BTC and the other sent 600 BTC.  

The United States, the world's largest cryptocurrency holder, also made a cryptocurrency-related move on Monday. A wallet associated with the US government transferred 3,375 ETH (worth $11.75 million) to an unknown address.

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