Ten major trading disciplines

1. Set a good stop loss to control risks.

2. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

3. Control losses and keep profits steady.

4. The market has changed, and the strategy must also change.

5. When you are uncertain, protect yourself first.

6. Find a good position and then increase investment.

7. If you hold too many positions, your heart will be tired, so reduce the pressure in time.

8. Don't be too optimistic, the market may reverse at any time.

9. Paying too much attention at the same time is easy to be distracted.

10. Think clearly before entering the market, and set profit targets and stop loss points.

Don't blindly chase the rise, and high-quality coins may not make money. Choose the currency you understand, analyze rationally, and make a reasonable layout.

Stay away from capital disks and Pixiu coins, which are mostly traps.

The money you earn will not exceed your cognitive level. Continuous learning and improving your investment ability is the long-term plan.

Remember, currency speculation is not a shortcut to getting rich overnight, but a protracted battle. With a learning attitude and a steady strategy, even a small amount of capital can make a difference in the digital currency market!


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