The price of BTC has recently fluctuated around 63,000, forming a relatively obvious shock range.

There was a rapid rise between July 1 and 2, but then it fell back to around 62870. The trading volume has decreased in recent hours, from tens of thousands of hands earlier to more than a thousand, showing that market activity has decreased. . The trading volume increased significantly between 21:00 and 22:00 on July 1st, which was most likely caused by the entry of large funds.

The daily level has now broken through the trend line. Here we will pay attention to the support position of 62000 and the position of 61650, which will have a relatively strong support position. Above, we still pay attention to the vicinity of 63800-64000.

Look at the rebound today. Judging from the daily level, macd has formed a golden cross trend. The hourly level skdj is also about to end. If you operate today, you can refer to the bottom of the first support we mentioned above, near 62000, #BTC☀️ .