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Arthur Hayes: A new inflation cycle has arrived, and Bitcoin will be the best haven for wealth

On July 2, Arthur Hayes, co-founder of BitMEX, made an in-depth analysis in his latest article "Zoom Out", asserting that we are entering an unprecedented inflation mega-cycle, whose distinctive feature is that countries are competing to safeguard their own national interests. , causing inflationary pressure to continue to rise. He warned that the government may repeat the same mistakes and use financial means to exploit the interests of savers to support huge expenditures such as war.

Hayes divided history into two era frameworks: local and global. He pointed out that in the regional inflation stage, gold is a safe haven, while stocks and bonds need to be avoided with caution; on the contrary, in a global deflationary environment, stocks become the first choice, and gold and bonds are the first choice. Relatively eclipsed. However, under the current situation, he stressed that the focus should be on the huge size of the fiscal deficit and the flood of credit released by banks to the non-financial sector, rather than the traditional focus on subtle changes in the central bank's balance sheet.

Faced with the current situation of high fiscal deficits and extremely loose monetary conditions, Hayes has high hopes for the future of Bitcoin. He firmly believes that as long as capital flows remain free, switching from traditional legal currencies to crypto-assets such as Bitcoin will be a wise way to preserve asset value and resist inflation. Lift. He further made an analogy, believing that the current environment is strikingly similar to the turbulent period from the 1930s to the 1970s, and therefore urged investors to take precautions and actively shift asset allocation from the fiat currency system to the cryptocurrency field in order to survive the upcoming inflationary storm. , making Bitcoin once again the shining star of value protection.


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