According to TechFlow, Polkadot spent $87 million (11 million DOT) on its treasury in the first half of the year, of which 13% was spent through executive agencies (bounties and collectives).

The treasury manages total assets of $245 million (38 million DOT), of which $188 million (29 million DOT) are current assets.

$8 million is in USDT and USDC stablecoins, and another 2.5 million DOT ($16 million) is used for ongoing purchases of stablecoins.

$24.5 million (3.8 million DOT) will be used for strategic initiatives such as marketing, DeFi tools, games, and business development, and $6.4 million (1 million DOT) will be used for airdrops in the gaming sector.

In addition, Polkadot provided 1.6 million DOTs (about 10 million US dollars) as liquidity injection into the DeFi market.

At the current burn rate of $87 million every 6 months, Polkadot has about 2 years of funding left, but this forecast is uncertain due to the volatility of cryptocurrency assets.