What I do is share, not babysit. If you find my content useful, you can pay attention to it for a long time. I am not a win-win party, nor do I find orders for you all the time. If you need the kind of support pressure, I can give you countless, and it’s free. Of course, it can also become paid, haha, but what is the appropriate profit and loss ratio?

If you don’t understand the profit and loss ratio, what kind of revenue

Position trading is what you need to consider

Trading skills are what you should learn. After learning these, you can also become a win-win teacher

The threshold for trading is very low and very high

Very low means that everyone can get started, and very high means that it is not suitable for brothers who are impetuous and only look at long and short positions.

People with special physiques and personalities are really not suitable for trading. I really hope you will change your mindset. The bull market will pass quickly. You have to make money every few years. If you can’t make money from trading, just go for the wool, go for the white white and so on. Even lying flat to buy spot

is better than exhausting the principal

I went home today and will be online in the evening. The early market will be released soon