"Compound interest" was called the eighth wonder of the universe by Einstein, and everyone understands the power of compound interest. However, the harm of compound interest is often overlooked. If you earn 1% every day, you can grow 37.8 times in a year. Similarly, if you lose 1% every day, you will only have 3% of the initial principal in a year. So why do I say in every video, "Before making an order, first check how much you will lose if you make a mistake in this order, and whether you can accept it. Then make a plan." It's the same for "life". Do you make a little progress every day to compound your destiny? Or do you keep getting more and more away from your original self with constant anxiety, internal consumption, and laziness every day? People often say "be yourself" and "be yourself", but don't people always "be themselves" all the time? You haven't been "someone else" either. Anything, emotion, and decision are your own choice. It depends on which direction you want to go. $BTC