$BTTC Recently, I saw people shouting to buy the bottom of BTC, saying that it has reached the bottom. Personally, I think it is better to wait and see. Recently, Sun Ge rushed more than 20 million US dollars of TRON and a large amount of BTC into Binance. He may have to eat meat. Sun Ge will eat big meat when he is hungry. The cost price of BTC is 0.00000012. The cost price of financial management by large households for several years is estimated to be around 0.00000006. The institutional price is unknown, which means it is free. It is well known that the fastest solution to the lawsuit between TRON and SEC will be after September. Although the probability of TRON and the ecosystem returning to zero is very small, BTC still has a profit margin of more than ten or even dozens of times. It is not ruled out that he will cut the price to the price directly pointing to the zero price of large households. After all, Sun Ge wants to eat meat, just like eating coconut chicken, he eats it and takes it away, and he won't leave any soup. As long as the sword of Damocles of SEC hangs over his head, it is useless even in big benefits. The recent halving of BTC is still falling, which is the best proof. So don't rush to buy at the bottom, wait and see first.