Today's market analysis:

Since the high point of 73777 on March 14, the big cake has been shaken for 3 and a half months, and the cake has fluctuated between 56500-73777. The cottage has been bleeding. How is the blood flowing? The daily line retraced to M120 or even M200, and the retracing to M60 is considered strong. This is the effect of Wall Street institutions entering the market, and the difficulty of making profits is comparable to hell. At this time, the allocation of core assets is particularly important. The experience of the short-sighted behavior of hot cottages in the past bull market is actually a way to seek stability, especially for investors who are halfway on the train. Of course, there are also some representative assets of some tracks that are stable with old bulls pulling the car.


Whether the main force will switch to the market-making style in the second half of the bull market is still unknown.


Today's closing is above 63500, you can continue to be bullish. If it is still a Tianma meteor hammer, remember to wear a helmet when trading. The pressure above is 66000. Except for those with pricing expectations.

If it goes down, it will inevitably test again, 60,000? 50,000? Or even lower?


When will it reverse? New bullish factors are priced in:

1. The approval of non-securities crypto asset ETFs is good news, and Ethereum is currently being priced;

Solara is clearly defined as a security by the SEC, and the application for a trust is used to pull the market up... This is capital protecting its own calf.

2. The positive effects of macro expectations:

  The advance of interest rate cut expectations, whether it is the guidance of the Federal Reserve, the expectations of large institutions, or the bets on the interest rate window, as long as it is in advance, it is a positive.

3. Regulatory relaxation of ETF allocation by traditional financial institutions:

Don’t rush to question it. Bitcoin will definitely usher in an allocation demand similar to that of gold, with buyers coming from traditional financial institutions and even sovereign funds;

At present, the increase in ETFs still depends on the performance of the US stock market, or the performance of the Fed’s interest rate cut expectations

4. New highs in US stocks, especially related crypto stocks:

For example, CB, mining company stocks, Open ai, Nvidia, etc.;

New highs in US stocks can bring about capital spillover

New highs in related stocks will be related to pricing in crypto


How can we clearly confirm the short-term pull-up in this wave?

Whales’ oil borrowing and oil rushing!

