Recently, Blast dropped from a peak of 2.4 billion to 1.9 billion before TGE, and then to 1.4 billion now, a decrease of 500 million to 900 million (2.5 billion to 4 billion). The previous chains after TGE were greatly inflated due to the money printing bubble, such as ARB and OP, but Blast has a particularly small market value/TVL ratio, and the sharp drop is particularly obvious.

After Mitosis (EtherFi's LRT protocol) opened restrictions, TVL has risen by 8 million in the past few days and is already 63 million.

Elixir (monad ecosystem?) minted 65k elxeth, and there are 220 million deposited TVL without counting LP.

After the first phase of Infinex ended, TVL dropped to 90 million. At the beginning of the second season, it has risen to 116 million.

Sym has been quickly filled up, except for ENA.

Blue's recent LP income has declined, TVL 2.6 million