#ZRO $ZRO ZRO Today's Market Analysis

The current short-term operation strategy is as follows:

1. Focus on the bullish trend of the 1-hour, 2-hour and 4-hour lines.

2. The callback target is set near the three price points of 2.903, 2.778 and 2.513. If the callback price does not fall below 3.160, maintain long orders.

3. The rebound target points to the three price points of 3.624, 4.514 and 5.596. If the short order is difficult to stand at these price points, please consider opening a short order carefully.

The follow-up communication of the cottage point needs to be analyzed 𡝗Search 👉 Public/Account: Encrypted Riding the Wind

The long-term spot strategy remains unchanged, please continue to pay attention.

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