
A must-read for newbies in the cryptocurrency circle: Revealing the most crazy bull market in recent times!

Shrinking wallets:

Remember those cryptocurrencies you invested in confidently at the beginning of the year? I have some bad news for you. Most people’s wallets have shrunk. However, there are a few lucky people who actually made money! It’s really enviable and jealous.

Panic spreads:

Everyone says that every time Bitcoin is halved, there will be a big bull market. What a result? It’s totally out of the ordinary! Bitcoin was in the limelight last year, but other cryptocurrency brothers also suffered bad luck and fell one after another.

The collapse of altcoins:

Have you heard of those famous “altcoins”? They used to be in the limelight, but now? Many of them have fallen to “zero”! In the previous bull market, they were hot cakes, but now they have become hot potatoes, which will explode at the touch!

VC bosses fall out of favor:

Those venture capital bosses used to be so glorious, and what they said and did was admired by everyone. Everyone began to doubt them. Their opinions and actions are no longer the "gold standard".

Starting a project is as difficult as ascending to heaven:

Want to launch a new cryptocurrency project? Let me tell you, it is as difficult as ascending to heaven now! Not only do you need to understand technology and the market, but you also need to understand the needs of the community and be able to do marketing and operations. If you are not careful, you may fall flat on your face!

Cryptocurrency dividends no longer exist:

In the past, you could easily earn dividends by investing in a cryptocurrency project. Those dividends seem to have disappeared. Everyone is eager to make money, but this bull market has made everyone begin to doubt their future in the cryptocurrency circle.

Conceptual changes:

This bull market is really like a "brainwashing" for the cryptocurrency circle! Everyone's concepts have changed dramatically.

Frequent accidents:

This bull market is like a crazy "big monster" that swallowed up many people's savings in an instant. Those seemingly beautiful hopes and dreams were also shattered by it.

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