Will the "junk coins" in your hands have a chance to be sold?

Will the long-awaited alt season come?

When you figure out the underlying logic, you will know how to hold it.

I believe that these are questions that many people in the currency circle like me are particularly concerned about, and the core answer will depend on whether the "four-year cycle rule" still exists.

Arthur Cheong posted on the X platform: "As the market matures, returns will be concentrated on large-cap coins. Large-cap coins will rise in the long run, and most alt coins will not soar."

I think everyone needs to accept this.

At the same time, we also need to judge whether it has the value of continuing to "hype".

There are many new coins that have just been launched, and they have reached their peak as soon as they are launched. They omitted the early drum-beating and flower-passing model and directly cut, becoming a trap for individuals or exchanges to make money. Most old coins have been lying at the bottom for a long time. Some of them operated by people with intentions may surge in a round of funds when the market sentiment is crazy in the late bull market, and then reach the top with the help of the last wave of fools, and then fall silent again.

At present, with the increasingly improved supervision and the accelerated development of blockchain, the market has been constantly updating according to the rule of survival of the fittest. Although there are occasional phenomena of bad coins driving out good coins, it is more because the leeks fall and withdraw one after another, and the remaining speculators are becoming more and more cautious. Although there are new leeks constantly joining, the inflow and outflow are no longer proportional, forcing platforms and exchanges to standardize the rules and make the coins that can circulate in the market more "valuable".

This is part of the market that needs to be planned, but the rest depends on whether the four-year cycle of Bitcoin is still there, which is the belief that countless people in the currency circle are obsessed with.

If it exists, the famous scene of the flourishing of altcoins will still appear. History will continue to cycle. At the end of the four-year bull market cycle, the rocket-like surge of altcoins attracted and trapped a group of people.

If the four-year bull market cycle is broken, Bitcoin will continue to spiral upward for a long time, and there will no longer be an obvious four-year bull market pattern. Then the altcoins will never have peace, and the long-term decline will never end.

So, what do you think?#山寨季何时到来? #山寨币热点 #美联储何时降息?