#APT $APT APT short-term shows that a yellow signal point has appeared in 1 hour, indicating a rebound; at the 2 to 4 hour level, the bullish trend has been clear.

Next, please pay close attention to the price point of 6.984. Once the daily line breaks through this price, the current rising band will end and may enter a daily level callback cycle.

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The pressure points are mainly concentrated around 7.184, 7.272 and 7.404.

For investors with short positions in spot, it is recommended to take advantage of the daily level of callback or decline opportunities and decisively layout the spot. The reference points are: 6.899, 6.849 and 6.790.

From the spot point of view, there is no need to worry too much about the current rise and fall, and the spot outlook is still optimistic.

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