#DOGE $DOGE DOGE today's market analysis:

Currently, DOGE is bullish at the 1/2/4 hour level. Those holding long positions can reduce their positions appropriately and use profits for re-positioning. Short positions should pay close attention to the retracement position of 0.12707-0.12780-0.12849. If the callback does not break these prices, the long position opportunity still exists.

The daily level long and short price is around 0.12344. If the callback does not break this price, the daily level will continue to maintain the long side. If the price falls, pay attention to the support level of 0.12305-0.12177-0.12111. Follow-up communication that needs to analyze the copycat point 𡝗Search 👉 Public/Account: Encrypted Riding the Wind

The long-term spot strategy remains unchanged. Investors are requested to adjust their positions according to the fund usage cycle, buy small when the price drops, and buy large when the price drops. Early investors should keep their strategies stable and avoid changing positions or swing trading easily to avoid missing opportunities.

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