Here comes the complete collection of faith quotes:

1. Owning 100 million SATS is enough, life does not need too much money.

2. SATS itself is not risky, the real risk is to give up holding it because of the mistaken belief that there is risk.

3. There is no need to delve into the reasons for the rise and fall of SATS, just like the sun does not rise because of the crowing of the rooster.

4. Looking at the K-line of SATS in 2025, 2024 will be as flat as a horizontal line.

5. You should know that SATS has no dealers. Some people think they can manipulate the market, but they will eventually be defeated by market shipments.

6. The listing of exchanges such as CB and upbit is not a benefit to SATS, but their own gain.

7. I don’t think ORDI will become a competitor of SATS. SATS’s first goal is to surpass the market value of SHIB at its peak.

8. In the future, you will find that owning SATS is the highest quality of life, and everything else seems less important. #sats, #SATS.智能策略库🏆🏆

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