Today is July 1st, BTC price is 63333

1. The first day of the second half of the year, the opening is a big rise, which is expected

2. May is poor, June is desperate, and July is a turnaround.

The start of July is still very good.

The three biggest events are 1. ETH ETF announcement,

2. Biden announced his participation in the Mentougou incident,

3. Trump attended the BTC conference.

There is no need to say much about ETH ETF. As the engine of the bull market, more than 90% of the projects in the currency circle are on the ETH ecosystem, and they all prosper together. The addition of Biden and Trump is undoubtedly the biggest event marketing this year. The addition of the current president and the candidate president of the United States will bring a shot in the arm to the world, so I said 5 days ago that July is expected to start with a climax.

There is a famous saying in the stock market - May is poor, June is desperate, and July is a turnaround. The poverty in May and the despair in June have all come true, and now it is July. The reason for such a tune is actually formed by the long-term economic laws in the market, not just lip service. After three months of adjustment, the market owes us a big rise, and there is really hope for a turnaround in July, come on.

Back to the market

1. BTC, from the daily level, has seen a large number of positive big positive lines for the first time since June 25. It is currently standing on the 10-day moving average and the 5-day moving average is turning upward. After consolidation, there is an expectation of another rise at the daily level. As the saying goes, 5 is poor, 6 is desperate, and 7 is turning over. The second half of the year is a big deal for the founding of the party, the army, and the founding of the country. The market has been silent for three months, and the daily line owes a big pull-up by the bulls

2. ETH-related concept coins once again dominate the list, with the leader ENS and the second dragon SSV resurrected again. Secondly, I often say that several ONDOs are rising steadily, PEOPLE PEPE in the old MEME coin, and WIF in the SOL track. These are all brainwashed by me every now and then. High-end ingredients are often the simplest cooking, and the pull-up of MEME coins is the most awesome belief.

3. BTC 30-minute level indicators show signs of overbought in the short term. In terms of operation, it is not advisable to chase highs directly during the day. A box-shaped breakthrough and then a test of 62,000 is a more reasonable entry point. You can enter the market simultaneously with high-quality currencies with a faster rise. Pay attention to the short-term pressure level (short) of PHB/METIS 64180 ~ 64860, BTC first support level 62000, second support level 61150

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