#BAKE $BAKE Today's market analysis:

BAKE In the current market, the 1/2 hour level is dominated by the short side, while the 4 hour level presents a bullish pattern. Today, special attention should be paid to the key price of 0.2822.

When going down, attention should be paid to the target prices of 0.2811, 0.2730 and 0.2674. If the market rebounds, the upper target prices will focus on 0.2882, 0.2953 and 0.3013. Follow-up exchanges that need to be analyzed for copycat points 𡝗Search 👉 Public/Account: Encrypted Riding the Wind

Short-term leveraged investors need to remain highly alert, keep up with the changes in the market, adjust their operating strategies in real time, and strictly avoid pending orders to ensure the best trading opportunities.

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