
Revox airdrop reload is coming, and 100 million points will be given to all currency friends who participate in the task, but did you know? Obtaining hidden points cannot be seen on the Binance web3 airdrop page. This video will also teach you how to maximize the points earned from revox. Are you ready? Follow Brother J and enter the world of cryptocurrency~



Introduction to Revox

Binance web3 wallet recently launched an airdrop task for us to participate in. This time the project is Revox, a newly created AI project. Let us first introduce what Revox is. This is a modular on-chain AI network. Through Modular agents drive innovation in decentralized AI applications. Combining AI and Web3 technologies, REVOX aims to provide efficient and fair access to information for a wider range of users. It is currently the decentralized AI network with the largest user base. It is planned to conduct a TGE (Token Generation Event) in Q3~Q4 of 2024, and its governance token $RGT will give holders governance rights and income dividend rights. The cost of this airdrop mission will be the lowest in history. You only need to prepare 0.001 BNB, but it must be stored in Linea or OpBNB chain. Brother J recommends that you use OpBNB chain, because the gas fee is very small, almost equal to zero, such as Brother J can’t even use up 0.0001 BNB, it’s really a good deal.



Participate in the process

Let’s start with the complete process of airdrop. First open the Binance mobile app and enter the web3 wallet. We can see the airdrop column showing Revox above. After clicking in, we can see the event page. A total of 100 million points will be shared. It is converted based on Revox AI Passes and Revox Alliance Passes, and is converted into airdrop points based on everyone's points value. Because the token model such as the total circulation of $RGT has not yet been released, so currency friends can just participate. There will be the latest news in the future. Update in the group, okay, the first one can fill in the invitation code, the inviter will get 5 Alliance Passes points, currency friends can also fill in Brother J’s invitation code 13R9YO, thank you very much

Revox airdrop reload is coming, and 100 million points will be given to all currency friends who participate in the task, but did you know? Obtaining hidden points cannot be seen on the Binance web3 airdrop page. This video will also teach you how to maximize the points earned from revox. Are you ready? Follow Brother J and enter the world of cryptocurrency~


Detailed mission explanation

Below is the Social Task, which means you must track the X official account of Revox and Binance wallet, and enter your Twitter @ID below. After 24 hours, 100 AI Passes points will be easily credited to your account, followed by the check-in task, click Check- in, the public chain to choose to sign in will appear. At this time, choose the cheaper Opbnb chain, press Confirm, and the contract interaction will jump out. If the amount is less than NT$0.01, it is considered zero. This sign-in activity starts from the first day The AI ​​Passes points obtained will gradually increase. When the seventh day starts, it will be fixed at 60 points and can last until the end of the event. So everyone can come up and sign in after watching the video. Finally, like the previous LISTA, you can get the points provided by the project party. of tokens,

The hidden version is here. There is a button below the sign-in, Experience Revox Lense. Click on it and you will find that this is Revox’s own event page. It is different from the Binance event. You can also connect to the Binance wallet and you can see the wallet. Current assets, below will also be an introduction to the current currency trends in the currency circle. We click on Profile, and when we go in, we can find that we have daily Credits. This is very important for us to get extra points. The daily allocation amount is 20. If you want to buy more, you can buy it in Cumulative Credits and spend on-chain funds to get it. But Brother J thinks that people have different opinions. If you are interested in the project and have confidence, you can try it. Otherwise, you are not sure. Under the reward, the risk of counter-rolling will be very high. Then click on the Reward. The Points displayed here are the ones that Binance activities will allocate to us, but there is no upper limit, which means that as long as you participate in the activities here, , the rewards obtained are greater than participating in the entire Binance task. Below are the daily tasks and achievement tasks. In addition, users who hold Catto can also increase the rate of points earned. The tasks here are roughly using Credit and unlocking tokens. , you can get varying points after completion. Returning to what was said before, as long as you click on the analysis of various tokens that have not been unlocked, you can see the results of Revox analyzing this token through AI, and complete our tasks at the same time. , although it is expected that you can continue to operate on this page after the Binance event ends. The calculation of airdrop volume will officially end before TGE. You must not miss this if you have free time every day.


Introduction to Revox


Summary notes

Brother J also wants to say something about the distribution of points. There are many people participating in the sign-in task, but only 80% of the points will be distributed. The main goal of the project team is to hope that each user can invite others to participate in this airdrop task, so it is particularly 20% is reserved for the inviter. The more people you invite, you may get more tokens than if you sign in every day. It is also a way to promote the project itself. Next, we will wait for the tokens to be officially launched. If you still want to know about new coins Calculation is online. Welcome to join the group for discussion. Brother J will also continue to launch videos on Binance’s various Web3 task operation demonstrations and various airdrop usage instructions. All currency friends must pay close attention and share with more interested people. friends


Okay, this week’s explanation of the currency circle airdrop is here. If you want to pay attention to the latest information, you are welcome to join the Discord free group to receive news about the currency circle.


If you like it, please like my article and share it with friends who are interested in airdrops. If you don't mind it, please subscribe to my YouTube channel. There will be regular updates on Binance's latest airdrop tutorials and market analysis of the week every week. Thanks again to everyone who read to the end, your support is my biggest motivation for updating!


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2024 Zero Lu Binance airdrop reload is coming! Revox airdrop complete tutorial plus hidden version operation! You can be an airdrop hunter without spending a dime! Coin Control Planet🪐

The above remarks do not constitute investment advice. The cryptocurrency market is highly risky. Before making any decision, please consider your own tolerance before deciding whether to participate!

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