With the recent downturn in the market, there are fewer voices in the market that believe that as long as the bull market comes, you can easily make money. Market sentiment has fallen to the bottom, and many people are trapped. They are already doubting whether it is still a bull market now. Will there be a bull market next?

If we cannot have a clear understanding of investment, that is, accept the uncertainty of investment results, it will be difficult to gain a foothold in the market. Just like now, we can't understand the market trend, analyze and judge the next trend, have we learned and studied the bullets in our hands in detail, have we fully configured our positions and assets, have we got the last line of defense, have we controlled the risks within the acceptable range, etc. Then now is a very difficult process, because we can't see hope, and we have no confidence to know where the market will go next. The fear in my heart is increasing day by day with the downturn in the market, and are these really the results that everyone wants when entering the currency circle?

Making money in the currency circle depends on only three factors: the first is cognition, the second is ability, and the third is whether the market gives us the opportunity to make money. With cognition and ability, when the opportunity comes, we can really grasp it effectively. Otherwise, the opportunity will have nothing to do with us. The financial investment process is enjoyable. If you feel tortured in the cryptocurrency circle, then there must be something wrong with you. We cannot change any external factors or environment, we can only change ourselves. We must always start from ourselves to find the reasons, wake up, reflect, summarize and improve. Only in this way can we get our own share of the trend dividends of the cryptocurrency circle in the future. That's all. Don't treat cryptocurrency investment as blind speculation. This is the fundamental reason why most people can really achieve a counterattack and get results in the cryptocurrency circle. #Meme板块普涨 #美联储何时降息? #IntroToCopytrading $BTC $ETH $BNB