Let me first state the conclusion. I am bearish on $BTC

Because the US stock market has touched the high point, it has already started to pull back

Now Trump has the upper hand, and his coming to power is very unfavorable to the US stock market

Looking at Bitcoin from July to August, it has been a downward consolidation trend

I bought a few coins yesterday, and the rebound was only 5%. The rebound of the copycat was very weak

The big cake 63500 has rebounded to the pressure level

In the morning, I chose to clear all the copycats in my hands

If the upward trend is confirmed, it is not too late to buy it back. Rome was not built in a day. Buy it in and it will rise. Follow the trend, and you should be happy.

If it falls, I can buy more cheap chips and be happier.

Unity of knowledge and action, think, do, earn, and cheer up.