From Cinderella to the dream of marrying into a wealthy family, Li Jiaxin's road to success

In the 1980s and 1990s, Hong Kong's TVB was like a big stage, producing many Hong Kong stars and goddesses who were extremely popular.

Speaking of these goddesses, Michelle Reis is definitely the most dazzling one. At that time, there was a popular saying, "The richest is Li Ka-shing, and the most beautiful is Michelle Reis", which shows how much everyone likes her. She is like a shining star in the entertainment industry, especially eye-catching.

Li Jiaxin is not just a vase, she is also quite ambitious. She said that she is very interested in material things, so when she married Xu Jinheng, it is said that all the wealthy women in Hong Kong breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that they no longer had to worry about her stealing their husbands.

In 1970, Michelle Reis was born in an ordinary family in Macau. Her mother is Chinese and gentle and beautiful; her father is Portuguese. Such a family background made her look particularly beautiful since she was a child, with a high nose bridge, deep eye sockets, and delicate facial features. She was the focus wherever she went.

But her childhood was not smooth, because her parents had a bad relationship and separated very early, leaving the little girl and her mother to depend on each other.

In order to give her daughter a better life, her mother had to work day and night and had to work several jobs. This kind of life was really hard for them. Li Jiaxin grew up in this environment and understood the difficulties of life early on.

She started making money at the age of 14, using her good looks to work as a model to earn a little money to help her family. She knew that her beauty was a big advantage, so she made good use of it.

At the age of 18, she participated in the Miss Hong Kong beauty pageant and won it, which led to her entry into the entertainment industry. It was not easy for her to play the leading role in a TV series right after her debut.

Li Jiaxin is not doing well in the entertainment industry. She is often criticized for her poor acting skills. The Hong Kong media also often label her, saying that she is just good-looking. But she doesn't care about these things. She yearns for the life of a wealthy family.

To achieve this goal, Michelle Reis got to know many wealthy people, including Li Ka-shing.

Li Ka-shing is not a born rich second generation. He earned his money by hard work. He was born in a difficult time. He fled to Hong Kong with his parents because of the war. Not long after, his father died of illness. He and his mother could only rely on their uncle Zhuang Jing'an for life.

Zhuang Jing'an is a famous watch tycoon in Hong Kong, and his family is quite wealthy. He kindly let Li Ka-shing work in his company, but he didn't expect that this would lead to a wolf entering the house.

When Li Ka-shing was an apprentice in his uncle's watch shop, he met his cousin Zhuang Yueming. Zhuang Yueming fell in love with Li Ka-shing at first sight, but the difference in their status made her not favored.

Li Ka-shing was born in a poor family and had a low level of education, while Zhuang Yueming came from a prominent family and was well educated. Traditional ideas believed that the two were not suitable, and Zhuang Yueming's father also opposed their relationship.

But Li Ka-shing was determined. In order to prove himself, he decided to leave the watch shop and start his own business. He used his savings to open a plastic factory, and with his excellent business acumen, his career developed rapidly.

After the success, Li Ka-shing proposed to Zhuang Yueming again. Zhuang Yueming was 31 years old and insisted on marrying only Li Ka-shing. Finally, her father agreed.

In 1963, Li Ka-shing married Zhuang Yueming. After marriage, Li Ka-shing's career took a step forward and he became the richest man in Hong Kong. Zhuang Yueming gave birth to two sons for him, named Li Zeju and Li Zekai.

Alas, good times don’t last forever, just like those beautiful clouds and colored glass, they look beautiful but they are gone in an instant. Li Ka-shing and his wife Zhuang Yueming were originally very happy, but who knew that such good days would end soon.

I remember that was the last day of 1989. They attended a New Year's Eve party together and everything seemed fine. But who could have thought that the next afternoon, the bad news came that Zhuang Yueming had died of a heart attack at the age of 58.

As soon as this incident came out, all kinds of speculation and rumors were flying around. Some said that it was because Li Ka-shing was unfaithful and had an affair with Li Jiaxin that Zhuang Yueming was so angry that she died. There was also an even more unpleasant one, saying that Zhuang Yueming was so angry that she fell ill because she gave Li Jiaxin a large sum of money to stay overnight.

Despite all these rumors, the Li family has not come out to clarify a word. But the youngest son, Li Zekai, seems to be very concerned about this matter. He later wrote a book, in which he mentioned that Zhuang Yueming often suffered from insomnia and would call him when he was studying in Canada. He said that his mother's insomnia might be related to heart problems, but who knows the specific reason?

No one knows how Zhuang Yueming died, only she knows it in her heart. After she passed away, Li Ka-shing donated a building in her memory, called "Zhuang Yueming Building". For more than 30 years, Li Ka-shing would take his family to the cemetery to see her every New Year's Day, rain or shine, and he never married anyone else.

As for the stories about Michelle Reis and Li Ka-shing, everyone always likes to talk about them after dinner. These stories mixed together have become a legend that everyone is very interested in but also a bit controversial.

To be honest, although these rumors sound interesting, we should also see from their stories that life is really complicated and changeable. Everyone pursues different things, makes different choices, and naturally has different results. In such a complex world, we should cherish the present day and pursue the life we ​​really want, and not be swayed by the temptations and pressures from the outside world.

You should also respect other people's choices and lifestyles, and don't make irresponsible comments. After all, everyone has their own secrets and paths to follow.

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