✅AirDrop of $HM shield from holdium (you need to register your Solana wallet on holdium by the 12th, 👉🏻 https://app.holdium.xyz/$/8ne5qgTP

owners of Solana backgrounds and various shields will be able to claim a drop of a new meme on Solana, the list of suitable shields is very large, here are some of the popular BONK, WIF, MEW, PONKE and others, the whole list can be seen on the site itself)

✈️You can check your points on this website👉🏻 https://app.holdium.xyz/$/8ne5qgTP

by connecting your wallet (the more points, the more you will receive)

📍You need to connect before July 12, the first distribution will be on July 15 (66% allocated for AirDrop🪂