BTC Figure 1: The trend of Bitcoin in one hour is still mainly upward rebound rhythm. After this rebound, there will still be a trend of breaking new lows. After the next wave of breaking new lows, it will lead to an explosive trend of the daily line leaving the segment. Don’t ask how much the target is~

ETH Figure 2: Shaobing’s rhythm follows Bitcoin. There will be news of Shaobing’s ETF landing in July. There will be a wave of market before and after landing. After all, ETF is different from other news. It does not mean that the news landing will become negative. ETF is a cow, which can continue to provide cash flow to ETH~

SOL Figure 3: SOL is not lower than Shaobing recently, not to mention that SOL is also applying for ETF, which seems to replace Shaobing ETH. Don’t worry, if such a thing happens The probability is low. After all, Shaobing is not a vegetarian. For the rhythm of SOL in one hour, refer to Figure 3. Buy the position in one hour and two. A wave of retracement in the evening will be a good opportunity to cover the losses~

JTO Figure 4: As a pledge token in the SOL ecosystem, JTO has been quite popular recently. Refer to the one-hour trend. It is a typical follower of the boss SOL, a pure follower~