It's the 30th

A month is over

Tomorrow is July

This month, the winning rate is about 95%

Almost no loss

To be precise, from May 28th to now, the profit is over 500%

The profit situation may not be updated later

Because this is the strength, it has been demonstrated

And most people don't deserve to know how strong I am

Five draws, six absolutes, seven turns

I wish you all good luck in July and I also wish myself good luck

Key points:

1: The Federal Reserve will not cut interest rates this year

2: Buffett is ready to retire and has announced that he will pass on his wealth to his children

3: The local government issued a withdrawal order

(There was a withdrawal order on the eve of the bad real estate market)

If you still have friends who play stocks around you, then please block this brainless friend (those who lose money) immediately

Make money (invite him to drink tea, then drink, then water exchange, take him to travel the next day) when he is relaxed and not on guard Ask him to show you the way

Main business has goods

👫#币安合约锦标赛 #美联储何时降息? #美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低
