Hey there! Unfortunately, peer-to-peer scams are a real thing. Here are some examples to watch out for:

Phishing scams can trick you into sharing personal info or login credentials by creating fake websites or emails that look legit.

Fake escrow services might promise to hold funds until a transaction is complete, but they'll disappear with your money instead.

Overpayment scams involve sending a larger payment than agreed upon, then asking for a refund - only for the initial payment to bounce, leaving you out of pocket.

Impersonation scams involve fraudsters pretending to be trustworthy individuals or companies to gain your trust and deceive you into sending them money or assets.

Non-delivery of goods is when a seller takes payment but never sends the promised items.

By knowing these tactics, you can protect yourself from falling victim to P2P scams. Stay cautious and always verify the legitimacy of transactions!

#scamriskwarning #Awarness #P2PScamAwareness #MiCA